We have the experience, quality and support to provide external service in order to find solutions that are considered convenient and appropriate to one or more of your problems.
Likewise, we have a design department in the areas of systems, civil engineer, architecture, networks, audio and lighting, satisfying the needs of our customers.
Intruder Detection
In an era where crime is commonplace and a few false alarms can leave your premises vulnerable, reliable intruder detection is vital. The best solution is a manufactured alarm panels combined with advanced detection equipment with the technology to minimize false alarms.
Systems can be monitored by Monitoring Centers or by your own smart phone, tablet or computer.

Fire Detection and Evacuation
Fire detection and evacuation systems, are absolutely paramount in today’s business and commercial environments. Fire is one of the most serious dangers that a business can face constant attention is required to minimize the adverse impact of fire. Because of the speed and totality of the destructive forces of fire, it constitutes one of the more serious threats, reliable and effective protection against this ever-present danger is essential.
GTI Grupo offers a certified solution to any fire detection requirement. We install a wide range of fire detection and evacuation equipment, including analogue addressable systems, totally networked systems and full graphical interface packages.
CCTV has become one of the most powerful security tools of the current era, putting a face to thousands of offenders daily, as well as providing indisputable evidence in subsequent court hearings and protecting people in any populated space, from residential to office and factories.
Our staffs have been installing CCTV systems for many years, combining a wealth of experience with cutting edge technology in this most rapidly advancing sector of the industry.
From a single camera to fully networked, site-wide surveillance systems, GTI Grupo can provide flexible, powerful CCTV solutions, bringing together high quality images with advanced storage, retrieval and networking.

Perimeter Electric Fence Detection and Security
This type of protection is achieved through the installation of physical barriers in electrified fences, security perimeter meshes and detection devices with the latest technology.
These systems become an excellent alternative when seeking to create a reliable and highly safety ring.
Access Control Systems
Modern, effective access control goes far beyond the keypad style solutions of the past, involving high bit rate, encrypted communications with hands free access control readers and incorporating elaborate patterns of access groups with overlapping variables such as seniority of personnel, priority zones within a premises and times of the day.
In the most sensitive of high security applications, advanced biometric recognition systems can positively identify the authorized user, eliminating the risk of intrusion with stolen access tokens.
GTI Grupo has the experience and capability to design, install and maintain a system to suit any requirements, from a single door to the largest building or complex.

Security Electronic Systems Integration
All the previously mentioned systems such as: Intruder detection, Fire Detection and Evacuation, CCTV, Access Control, Perimeter Detection/Protection, will be integrated by a computer platform that allows centralizing the total management of the building, guaranteeing the integration of events between each of the systems and facilitating the operation and control of the maintenance of the systems and infrastructure of the building, this will optimize human management on the different security solutions.

GTI designs and installs sound masking to create speech privacy/confidentiality in any workspace to reduce distractions and improve productivity.
For GTI, the contribution to the environment is very important and for this reason we are authorized dealers for ZERO FLUSH, which conserves water, reduces water/sewer and maintenance costs, and provides reliable, long-term performance

GTI Grupo provides professional studio design and sound system installation services so that customers can rest assured their new equipment will offer peak performance. As a leading retailer of professional audio products, we have extensive experience with installation and ongoing service for recording studios, performance venues, houses of worship, schools, restaurants, sports venues, and more.
From microphones, mixing consoles, and outboard gear to acoustic design and sound reinforcement, we have the knowledge and experience needed to get the job done right.
GTI designs and creates a lighting system in order to reveal our surroundings so they can work efficiently and safely. We provide the right amount of light in the right places.
Today, lighting is an art, and we want to transform illumination to delight customers while providing comfort and pleasant atmospheres.

We offer network systems such as:
- Telephone Network
- Network Design
- Network Node
- IT Rooms
- Wireless Access Points
GTI Grupo offer essential maintenance to any system to ensure that it is in good working order and the possibility of any hidden faults are identified.
Correct maintenance and service of equipment also provides value for money, by extending the operational life of the equipment.
Preventative measures can ensure the continual reliability of any system. Without effective maintenance even the best equipment will deteriorate, and without an effective response even a minor fault could cause a major problem.
It is vitally important that systems are properly maintained once installation has taken place.